New Plugin – Simple Post Alerts

Posted by Alex on August 15, 2015

I just released my 2nd WordPress plugin to on – Simple Post Alerts. The plugin is simple, it allows users to subscribe to alerts for new posts pending review and/or published.

A Little Background

When it comes to WordPress plugins, they are best done in the most simple form with little to no settings screens. I have been hunting around for a plugin that does notifications for posts “Pending Review” but everything I found was overloaded with settings, options, and lots of things that just really aren’t necessary. It’s much better to to keep things simple, lean, and do it well. I was also looking for something that would be easy for users to understand, ie the settings would be per user and on their profile settings and not hidden deep in a plugin administration page.

Intro Simple Post Alerts

Simple Post Alerts allows users to easily get alerts for new posts pending review and published.


Post Notifications in the User Profile Settings

How does it work?

It adds permissions appropriate settings on the user profile for post notifications. For example, Editors (and above) who work with contributors can get notified of new posts that are “Pending Review” so they can know when they need to review and publish a post. Any site user can also get notified of new published posts so they can stay up to date. The notifications aren’t fancy, just a quick note with the title and a link, but that’s the point right?

The plugin is also super simple and hopefully straight forward to make it easy to fork and change to your specific use case. With some small modifications you could use it as the base for custom post types or custom post statuses. See the plugin on Github – Simple Post Alerts on Github.

Hopefully this plugin is just what you were looking for too, enjoy!